For the Love of Savanna

Another embarrassing moment and first day at the beach pics.

Posted on: July 30, 2007

As you know, Savanna has been working on becoming continent of urine (bowels are a whole different story). She has done exceptionally well and is quite proud of herself. This scenario will demonstrate her sense of pride–

Scenario: My mom (Faa Faa) and I took Savanna out to lunch at a nice restaurant in town. The restaurant was busy but not loud. Savanna loudly said, “Momma I need to POO POO”. I was more than happy that she told me she had to “go” and was thrilled that we moved on to  mastering “poo poo” in the potty. I rushed her from the table, hand in mine, and off we went to the potty like a flash of lightening. I pulled down her “panties” (pull-ups) and swooped her on the pot… and waited….. waited….. waited. But, Sass didn’t have to go. I think she was just bored and wanted something different to do. I said, “that’s okay Sass, next time you will go poo poo. Let’s go back to the table and join Faa Faa”. We washed our hands and out the door we went.

And then… Savanna’s hand got loose from mine and she ran up to this couple and said, “Hi. How you?” They greeted her politely. This was followed by, “I GO POO POO IN THE POTTY. I BIG GIRL”. What a bold faced lie! I was aghast! And, this poor couple. Do you really think they wanted to hear about my daughter’s bowel movement, or lack therof, while they were eating?! I’m sure my face turned purple. Everyone who heard, laughed. It was another one of those moments when I wanted to hide my head in the sand. There’s nothing to prepare you for these kinds of situations my friends.

Here’s a picture of Savanna in her pull-ups. I do believe she is preparing for thongs.


Last Saturday, Savanna went to the beach with me and Tia Goose (nickname for a dear friend of mine). It was Savanna’s first trip to the beach even though I live only 40 minutes from Belmont Shore near Long Beach. I would have more pictures to share except Tia Goose can’t figure out how to send them to me (was that a good enough guilt trip Goose?).  It was a perfect day and the water was probably 68 degrees. Palm trees and sail boats were in the distance and the sky was a beautiful shade of blue.

 Savanna LOVED the water until she slipped and fell. After that she was quite content to play in the sand. She BOO HOO’d when it was time to leave. Here are a few pictures of this special day.

First day at the beach

Notice how she’s “monkey gripping” my gut? Yeah, I felt it too.

And, another…

First day at the beach

On Sunday Savanna played in her pool…

Ran around the back yard like she had ants in her pants…

then stopped long enough to chat on the cell…

before she ate dinner with the dogs…

Notice Mimi’s tongue. I’m pretty sure she had more to eat than Savanna.

It really was a perfect week-end.

Never a dull moment around here.

7 Responses to "Another embarrassing moment and first day at the beach pics."

You got yourself a cute talker! Nice pictures at the beach.

Funny story! And she’s such a pretty little girl!

Adorable as ever 🙂

Too funny, too cute! At least you can be assured that most other patrons had been “there” at some point in their life and could appreciate the enormity of the poo-poo on potty moment… regardless of the fact that it was all an adorable hoax!

Also, thank you so much, for the thoughts about travel… I had not thought about it that way and am glad to have your perspective. Sometimes I feel like we are stumbling through this… really appreciate the support.

Savanna is such a sweetheart. Can SO sympathise with you. Since Sofia became potty trained she also knows when to say TOILET just to change the mood/action/direction of current events, and now answers TOILET when anyone asks her her name! There are pros and cons to everything! good luck!

PS. On advice I went straight to pants than pull ups, and we were potty trained ( poo and pee) in 2-3 weeks. A few accidents but that helped the learning! Just a thought.

I LUV your high chair!!!!

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