For the Love of Savanna

What does “R” stand for?

Posted on: July 10, 2008

Give me and R

Give me an E

Give me an M

Give me an I

Give me a double S

Give me another I

Give me an O

Give me an N

And, what does it spell? REMISSION, baby!

The news of Mom beating this ugly monster could not have come too quickly. I found out yesterday, a day after my 43rd birthday. Could there be a better present? Not in a million years!

Mom, a.k.a. Beaulah (nickname I gave her when I was 15… it’s a long story…), had 6 cycles of chemo.  I’m hoping her mind, and mine, will soon forget all the difficulties associated with this battle.

Two weeks ago Beaulah almost died. All her blood counts dropped so low that she required 2 blood transfusions, 1 platlett transfusion, and round the clock IV antibiotics and steriods (to help with her congestion). She was in the hospital for 7 days.  It was a scary time, trust me.

Today, Beaulah’s spirits are flyin’ high. She had her first salad in 6 months. She was in heaven! Even though she is VERY weak (requires assistance with dressing herself, showering, walking, meal preps, meds, driving, shopping) she sees the light at the end of the tunnel. So do I.

Savanna helped pull us through the hard times. Her unconditional love, laughter, joy at the simple things in life, always brought levity at the perfect time. She is a beautiful little spirit, the love of our lives.

In closing, thank you for the love, support, prayers you provided. As Beaulah gets stronger I should have more time to “catch up” on all your lives. Free time is a luxury I have very little of.

Be back soon.



10 Responses to "What does “R” stand for?"

WHOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!! I’m at work, but am willing to do a touchdown dance in the middle of reference if that will help start the party. 🙂

YAY Beaulah!!! So happy to hear the good news! Can’t wait to hear more about Sassy when you have time. 🙂

Tears of happiness!!! I am sooooooooooooo thrilled!
Praise God!!!!

What WONDERFUL news!!!!!!!! I’m so happy to hear it.

Fantastic news! Wishing all the best for Beulah! Happy Belated Birthday to you too!

I am so happy for your family! Big hugs to little Savanna!

Oh, that is fabulous news! I’m so happy for you all.

I am so happy to hear the news. Whoooooo

What a relief. I am so happy for you and your family! Sarah

SO So happy!!!!!! Happy Remission and Happy Birthday!!!

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