For the Love of Savanna

Mom Update and a Little Bit of Sass

Posted on: April 29, 2008

Hi All,
I must apologize for not providing a “Mom Update” for quite some time. I keep meaning to, believe me, but have not had much of an opportunity to write.
Mom will have her fourth cycle of chemo on 4/30; she is close to being 1/2 way through. We try not to think of the months (3-5 more) that lie ahead because it makes the hard days even harder. We stay focused on “today”, and for me, “tomorrow and the next day”, as there is much organizing I must do.
The really hard days seem to come on the 5th or 6th day following chemo. Even though I know it will be awful it always startles me to see Mom so weak, exhausted, listless. I have to guess at what she needs because she doesn’t have the energy to talk much. Getting from her chair in the living room to the bathroom and back is a huge undertaking. She becomes breathless, lightheaded, and feels her legs are going to buckle.  This last chemo cycle I had to push mom in the wheelchair. I’m not really sure I can explain how bad it really is. The good part is that this stage only lasts 5-7 days. I was told that after each chemo cycle, Mom would get successively weaker. I’m not sure how much weaker a person can get. It isn’t pretty but I don’t wish to paint a horrible picture.  Mom rarely struggles with having an appetite or nausea. When she isn’t so weak and tired she is still able to laugh and see the humor in life. Mom is full of grace and peace. She amazes me every day.
On 4/21 Mom saw the oncologist, and guess what? He couldn’t feel a single lymph node. Remember the 2 Mom had in her armpit that were the size of golf balls (both)? Zip, nada, zilch, GONE! The GREAT, GREAT, GREAT news is the chemo is working! And, it’s working F-A-S-T! Let’s all breathe a sigh of relief and thank God for answered prayers. And, I must not foget to thank all of you for your support and prayers, “thank you”.
The oncologist said that mom is now anemic and had a low platlett count (not critical). He will have to watch the numbers closely as both situations could pose major problems. Mom’s white blood counts are normal, at least they were last week.
Overall, we are moving right along and things are progressing very well. Once Mom is in remission she won’t have to have chemo again. She may still have to get (forgot the name) immunotherapy via IV but it isn’t so hard on the body as the chemo, and it isn’t as frequent either.
Little Miss Sass is doing great. She is the funniest little kid I have ever been around. She became highly motivated to do her “business” in the potty when I told her I would give her a candy for each poop (was completely disinterested in stickers). It was by far the quickest she learned anything! But guess what she did? She figured out how to get 6 candies in 15 minutes ! My girl can poop on demand, every couple of minutes… And, she would tell me, “Mom, I want candy so I will poop now”. For the first few days all she wanted to do was sit on a potty!  The really great news is the money I will save ($50 off tuition, and all the pull-ups, wipes).  What a glorious day! Whoo HOO! A major milestone accomplished (again, but she really has it down now)!
Savanna loves to sing the “Patty Cake”, “ABC”, “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” songs. She can count, really count, up to 14 now. Sass is also a master at putting her 15 different puzzles together. More than anything she loves french fries and “cuddle time”. I make sure we have our time together every evening. We usually build something with her blocks, put puzzles together, sing, dance, watch “Noddy”, “Kipper”, “Dragon Tales” (my least favorite), read books, and ride the horsey. Guess who the horse is? Yep, you guessed right. This old horse needs to put out to pasture!
In closing, I’m thankful each day that I still have my two girls, my dear family,  and wonderful friends.
Until next time…
Love and hugs to all,

9 Responses to "Mom Update and a Little Bit of Sass"

Hi Betsy – Your mom is so strong! It’s great to hear tidbits of good news in the midst of the difficult treatments. I’m sure having you and Sass with her makes her fight even harder.

Savanna sounds like such a little darling. Maybe I’ll start trying the candy trick with Carlton. He has no interest in doing his biz on the potty. He just likes to flush after he sits. I’m the horsey around our house too. 🙂

I am so happy that the chemo is working for your mom!

I am tired of the poopy business…We are also using the chocolate reward on Anissa…She is doing somewhat ok with the treat thing when she wants it and cartoons are not on tv…She is not pooping on demand yet 🙂 Looking forward to the days I will save money on pull-ups.

Oh Betsy, thank you so much for the update. I’m so happy the chemo is working for your mom. You have such a close wonderful family. I’ve been reading your blog since before you brought your Sass home. I’m a terrible lurker. Take care.

Betsy I was about to start leaving comments daily to ask how everything was going. I am so glad she is responding so well to chemo. I have and will continue to pray for you girls!

P.S. I am so sorry I made fun of your capri’s …give me your address so I can send you a nice pair of Khaki’s LOL 🙂

I am so glad she is getting better but SO sorry you are having to go through this. Sending you a hug from TX! :0( Little sass sounds like loads of fun. Angel

Hi Betsy,

I finally had time to log on to see what you’ve been up to & once again our lives are converging in a similar direction.

I am so sorry to hear your mom has been sick. My mom has also been sick – diagnosed w/ leukemia in November – Chemo in Dec/Jan – developed several infections – in intensive care & on a respirator in February – AND she also had her spleen and colon removed. In April she was finally home & feeling better, but they found a blood clot on her lung and she went back in the hospital. Now she is home.

Dylan & I have flown home several times in the last few months. He is quite the traveler and such a cutie and HUGE blessing to all of us. He is adjusting so well and seems very happy. We had our 1st elk sighting of spring – they were grazing in our yard – and Dylan was calling them like he does our cat. Way too cute!

I hope your mom continues to feel better and stronger. I know what a toll a family illness takes, so take care of yourself too!!!! We will keep you guys in our thoughts and prayers.

Dylan sends Savanna a bug sloppy kiss 🙂
Take Care,

Happy Mother’s Day to you and your Mom!

Besty-I wished that I hd been my blog friends. I am so sorry to hear about everything going on with your mom. I hope that this finds everyone getting stronger.

How are you doing?


Congratulations! My best friends mom just passed away the day before yesterday from Leukemia. She was in her mid 50’s. Cancer is an awful thing and remission is definitely something to smile and celebrate about!

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