For the Love of Savanna

Archive for April 2006

Wow, I received so many emails from people I never knew even read this blog about wanting more information about teaching their baby(ies) sign language. Your enthusiasm excites me. Thank you.

I talked to my sister Karen, who is deaf and has taught many sign language classes, which medium she thought would be best for hearing parents to teach hearing children. She thought Signing Times was the best. Julie is using this program with Dylan with great success.

Maybe I’ll buy the product too even though I know enough already to teach Savanna. The videos look age appropriate and really fun.

I hope this helps.

Let me know how it works for you!

I have begun teaching Sign language to Savanna. Studies have shown that if you teach your baby basic signs, like, “more”, “milk”, “hurt”, “hungry”, names of fruits and vegetables, names of body parts, etc. that it will increase their vocabulary, help them to read better, speak before non-signing babies, and decrease their sense of frustration. 

The great thing about signing to a baby is that they learn pretty fast and have good motor control to express themselves. Pretty neat huh?

Well, there’s another even bigger reason why Savanna must learn Sign language. Half of my family is deaf– this includes my brother and his ex-wife now current girlfriend, my sister, and all of their close friends (Leroy and Carol Ann, Rodney, Kathy and Shannon, and so many more) who we have adopted into our family. If Savanna doesn’t learn Sign language she will feel left out at family gatherings. So, I plan to make the learning experience a fun one. Sign language is a very dramatic language so I think she will be amused. It is VERY easy too.

On a different note, I must say that I am extremely proud of my sister and brother. They are both college educated and successful. They have faced much discrimination in their lives but haven’t become bitter because of it. They are very proud to be part of the deaf culture– and what a beautiful culture it is! I love you guys!

So, have any of you thought about teaching your baby(ies) Sign language?

8/9/06) Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday my dear, sweet Savanna, happy birthday to you. I just can’t believe you are 8 mos. old already. You are still wearing 3-6 mos old clothes. The last doctor visit you weighed 16.6 lbs. I’m sure you are up to 17 lbs now! I love your spunky spirit, I love everything about you. Your smile lights up a room and your laugh is contagious. Maybe it’s just a “mom” thing but I think everybody who has met you loves you.  What I have learned since Savanna came into my life

1.  How to change a messy diaper.

2.  Remember to put another diaper down quickly so Savanna doesn’t pee all over the place (learned that the hard way).

3.  Sniff butt.

4.  Pick a baby’s nose.

5.  Dodge head butting.

6.  Watch for little hands that want to pull your hair. Don’t be stupid enough to wear earrings!

7.  Watch out for “rasberries” at meal time. If you don’t move out of the way, food will be in your face (learned that the hard way too).

8.  Everything takes triple the time to complete.

9.  Bath time can be really fun… splash, splash, splash.

10.  Teething is NOT fun.

11.  Holding, rocking, talking softly, singing (even with a bad out of tune voice) can ease the saddest of baby cries.

12.  My torso is better than a bed.

13.  A smile really is better than a thousand words.

14.  Sleep isn’t as vital as I once thought (but it is NOT overrated!)

15.  Enjoy each moment and experience excitement at each new discovery.

16.  Take time to be “in the moment”– that’s how bonding occurs.

17.  I am in love with a baby Savanna.


 Savanna, my Queen, is sleeping much better. She takes a nap for approx. an hour 3-4 times a day. She still prefers to sleep on my torso but is transitioning nicely to the bed (mine). She will wake up during the night, cry, look over at me and “worm” herself over to me so that her little body is touching mine. She quickly falls back asleep. I’ve tried to have her sleep in her crib (the one that I put together with my own two hands) a few times and every time she wakes up she screams bloody murder and doesn’t sleep but 2-3 hours that night. For some reason, it totally stresses her out. Life isn’t about me anymore, it’s about making the Queen comfortable and able to trust me and know her environment is safe. I sure hope that I won’t be sleeping with her for the next 16 years!

Savanna is eating well. Still loves her bottle too. Savanna loves to babble and coo. She is very vocal and loves to play the “huh” game– she’ll say “huh” then wait for me to say “huh”. She smiles and laughs every time we play this silly little game of hers. She’s still into “peek-a-boo”. She’s just so doggone cute!

I think we are both doing better because there’s a bit more of a routine. Being “in tune” with her needs helps me to anticipate what activities can be done, or not done.

I will get her 8 month old pictures taken at Sears this week. I’ve already got the dress, tights, shoes picked out.

I’m hoping all of my RL and Blog buddies (and babies) are happy and well.

in February. Sorry Nan that it has taken so long. Normally, I’m a “Johnny on the spot kinda gal”. Here goes…

Four jobs I’ve had in my life: bank teller, counselor for run-a-way adolescent girls, Behavioral Science faculty for family practice residency program, supervisor for mental health and chemical dependency helpline.

Four Movies I can watch over and over:The Sound of Music, all of the Harry Potter movies, Forrest Gump, O Brother, Where Art Thou.

Four places I have lived (all in California): Sunland, Santa Barbara, Los Feliz, Monrovia.

Four TV shows I love to watch: American Idol, Apprentice, Court TV, History Channel.

Four websites I visit daily: All of them that are linked to this site.

Four of my favorite foods: Bar-b-que ribs (with fried pickles and tomatoes, hush puppies, mashed potatoes), Big Mac’s and french fries, tacos, chicken parmisian. Now you know why I’m so damn FAT! I’m going on a diet tomorrow!

Four places I’d rather be right now: In my bed SLEEPING, taking a shower (shaving) or talking on the phone or blogging for as long as I want to whenever I want to.

Four bloggers I’m tagging:Angel, Stacy, Karen W, Erin C, Erinberry, Mary, Erica, Dennise, Lisa, Avonlea, Kristin, Barb, and JULIE. Did y’all really think I was gonna be able to stick to 4?!


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